Unlock Your Next Level of Freedom & Abundance
Life is always in motion—expanding or contracting with every choice you make. Your mind has limitless potential to grow, transform, and break free from limitations. That’s why I’ve created a series of online courses to open new doors for you—guiding you toward greater wisdom, wealth, creativity, and fulfillment.
Choose the course that aligns with your journey and let it be your lifelong tool for mastery and empowerment...
Heal past burdens, update obsolete self-limiting beliefs, and discover with clarity new successful possibilities. Create the blueprint for your 2024 action plan using your gifts with passion and confidence.
How would you like to discover an easy path to manifest the next chapter of your life?
Magnetic Visionary Day Retreat.
Discover the magical spiritual path to your big dreams and desires.
X/XX/2024 at Awakenings, Ca
Heal Love Karmic blocks and open the doors to your heart. Experience self-love as the foundation of your love attraction's true path.
Discover the roots of your challenges by getting to the cause.
11/11/2024 at Awakenings, Ca
Learn how to clear and balance CHAKRA...
Experience healing theory and practice discovering the magical properties of crystals and chakra energies.
6/03/2023 at Awakenings, CA
Soul Retrieval and transpersonal energy restitution of Ancestral Lineage.
4/08/2023 at Awakenings, Ca
Unleash The Healer In YOU.
Activate the vibrational essence of your soul and unleash the healer within you.
X/X/2024 at Awakenings, Ca
Be empowered to use your gifts and talents to live a fulfilling life on purpose and with passion. Jumpstart your connection with Source to guide you thrive with confidence, creativity and joy...
at Awakenings, Ca
Unleash the power of your Heart...
Discover how to clear your Love Karma, raise your self-esteem, improve communications with loved ones and, attract your soul mate partner.
at Awakenings, Ca
Manifest your heart's desire by creating your magical Vision Board
Fabienne's unique Treasure Mapping method utilizes Spiritual Feng Shui to harness the Law of Attraction following the wonders of the universe's power and aligning with your Soul Purpose's magical creativity. Match your desires with your reality.
at Awakenings, Ca
Manifest your magical heart's desire aligned with your Life Purpose.
How would you like to discover an easy path to design and manifest the next chapter of your life?
7 Days of Magical Soul Alchemy Manifestation
Manifesting your heart's desire aligned with your Life Purpose.
Retreat in Costa Rica. Coming Soon...
Discover the root cause of financial plateau and why up-grading your mindset of abundance can help you reset your money thermostat.
FREE Money Story Masterclass
3 Day Online FREE Experience
How would you like to discover an easy path to manifest "Living in the Now" with serenity?
Available as soon as you register. Takes only 15 to 20 minute per day...
7 Days of Magical Soul Alchemy Retreat
Manifesting your heart's desire aligned with your Life Purpose.
Retreat in Costa Rica
Soul Alchemy Manifestation Retreat
How would you like to discover an easy path to manifest the next chapter of your life?
10/X/2023 to 10/X/2023 in Loreto, Baja Mexico.
Heal and balance your KARMA...
Discover how to access your Akashic Records and transform your soul agreements with confidence and insights from your guides and inner wisdom.
10/XX/2024 at Awakenings, Ca
Heal and balance your KARMA...
Discover how to access your Akashic Records and transform your soul agreements with confidence and insights from your guides and inner wisdom.
10/14/2022 at Awakenings, Ca
Open the door to your Divine Magical Abundance at Awakenings, Ca
Be empowered to use your gifts and talents to live a fulfilling life on purpose and with passion. Erase fear and past negative emotional burdens with a heart filled with gratitude and faith.
12/09/2023 at Awakenings, Ca
Heal Love Karmic blocks and open the doors to your heart. Experience self-love as the foundation of your love attraction's true path.
5/13/2023 at Awakenings, Ca
Open the door to your Divine Magical Abundanc
x/x/2023 at Awakenings, Ca
Understand all the gifts of Highly Sensitive.
Embrace the purpose of your talents and learn how to control the flow of your emotions and perceptions transforming what often feels like a burden into a divine gift.
3/04/2023 at Awakenings, C
Discover the color, shape, scents, and sound of your essential self.
at Awakenings, Ca
Discover the roots of your challenges by getting to the cause.
11/11/2023 at Awakenings, Ca
Heal and balance your KARMA...
Discover how to access your Akashic Records and transform your soul agreements with confidence and insights from your guides and inner wisdom.
4/08/2023 at Awakenings, Ca
Experience Living at Peace with Gratitude...
Connect with Source to stay in the now, and release stress by practicing deep body and mind relaxation. Perfect practice to reduce the effects of anxiety and overwhelm. Discover how to harness the guidance and synchronicity of the universe to live in the wonder and peace of the now.
Learn how to clear and balance CHAKRA...
A full day of healing theory and practice discovering the magical properties of crystals.
4/X/2023 at Awakenings, CA
Shamanic and transpersonal energy restitution including ancestral lineage.
3/18/2023 at Awakenings, Ca
Magical spiritual path to goals and dreams manifestation
Get your unique blueprint for your big dream and desires.
Coming soon...
Rejuvenate with DNA Activation for youth and wellbeing.
at Awakenings, Ca
Raise self-esteem, experience self-Love, and become your own best friend.
at Awakenings, Ca
I, Fabienne Marneau, am not a Medical Provider (Physician, Psychiatrist, Nurse Practitioner, etc.). You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue, disease, or condition. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Copyright 2025, Fabienne Marneau DBA Destination Harmony